Trunks and branches of crops are responsible for the transport of nutrients during planting period. Once the plants are harvested, both the structures which are affluent in fibers are incredible raw materials for making papers.
The Workshop would be moderated by Lomfa Fair, bringing along the ancient paper making formulas by using natural resources in a sustainable way to create “Authentic Hong Kong Paper” with distinctive texture and warmth.
The plant fibers have been collected from The Deck at The Mills, in the hope of utilizing the characteristics of every part of plants. Seeds would also be integrated into the paper during the process. You could grow a new plant afterwards by putting them into soil.
Please prepare one to two pieces of used A4 paper in any colors or textures, which will act as one of the materials during the Workshop. Two or three postcards shall be created so please be ready with three to four files in A4 size to bring your own works home.